Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2016

After bending, the iPhone 6 to have trouble 'spit beard'

Some users complain that their hair and beard stuck on the Apple phone when calling.

  • iPhone 6 Plus easily deformed / About technologies excited to experience the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
One week, many people constantly share iPhone images on curved during use. However, when things have settled down, then another problem - the technology pages feature called "beardgate" - resurfaced.Beardgate from hair or beard phenomenon just stuck at the juncture between the screen and the aluminum frame on the iPhone 6 Plus.
Initially, a member on the site 9to5Mac thinks this is just a small bug on his phone. But when the investigation on Twitter, he quickly realized that at least 3 other people experiencing similar situations.
"My hair was constantly caught between a small groove in the aluminum rim and the screen," one member wrote on Twitter. But this problem only happens to a few people, the "victims" said they felt uncomfortable and quite painful when suddenly was "shocked beard".
"There will not be a similar scandal for the iPhone 6 bend, but a problem of hair problems - this beard stuck quite funny and will attract attention", page Phone Arena comment. Page editor of the technology met the same problems with the Google Nexus phones and believes it can also occur with many other phones metal shell. However, they do not cause much attention, simply because they are not the iPhone.
Twitter users to share phenomenon was pulling hair, pulling whiskers when using the iPhone 6.
It was suggested that, to avoid getting the hair, the best users should head shaved.
"The errors were more serious hair to bend your phone."
Members have the problem of Apple jokes that no penetration in because he had to "scratching their heads" with Microsoft products for years.

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