Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 5, 2016

Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones

Brand Jelly Ear headphones hand made recently introduced a new headset called the Galaxy, the product will be ordered on the day 10/9 for about 2 million.

Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
Carrying headset is made of wood with a square design.
Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
Inside the beautifully made than that of previous versions.
Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
The product is called Galaxy due emulsion layer is blue with glitter sparkles like galaxies.
Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
Distribution headset button is switched to rubber type instead of a sponge as before.
Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
Part branched headset is also a beautiful view over the plastic wrap.
Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
Wired headset is beautifully handcrafted belts and anti-tangle.
Unpack Jelly Ear Galaxy - unique handmade headphones 
Chain headphone jack.

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